Monday, March 26, 2018

Digest for - 2 updates in 1 topic (Dan Blum): Mar 25 01:48PM

> 1. Until 2008, the EU had a law that prevented the sale of one
> vegetable and one fruit if it had an extreme or unsightly
> curvature. Name *either* item.
> 2. Since 2011, the EU has prohibited manufacturers of bottled
> drinking water from labeling their product with anything
> suggesting that consumption of the product does what?
quenches thirst
> 3. Although not enforced, as of 2011 sufferers of what illness
> face driving bans in the EU?
> 4. In 2010, it was proposed that food would have to be sold by
> weight and not how?
> 5. In the EU it is legal to eat this type of animal *unless*
> it is your pet. What animal?
> 6. What fruit cannot be advertised for sale as a laxative, due to
> a lack of evidence of its effectiveness?
> their product "jam" if it contained over 60% sugar. Products
> with 50-60% sugar and products with under 50% sugar had different
> designations. Name either designation.
fruit compote
> 8. As part of the general push to cut energy usage, as of 2014,
> what common household appliance could only have a motor with
> a maximum of 1600 watts -- later reduced further to 900 watts?
clothes washer
> 9. In 2014, news reports insisted that as part of its environmental
> laws, the EU was requiring cows to wear what item? This was
> *not* an actual EU law.
> 10. Apparently as a health and safety concern, the EU supposedly
> tried to ban some barmaids from having too much what?
> A1. Found in sheltered areas such as bays, bayous, lagoons,
> and estuaries, what landform is a coastal wetland that is
> formed from deposits?
coastal flats
> evaporation of a water pool such as a pond or larger body?
> These flat expanses of ground usually shine white under
> the sun.
slat flats
> and festivals, this land was the site of a historic battle
> in September of 1759. Name this historic area within the
> Battlefields Park of Quebec City.
Plains of Abraham
> office of the Gooderham and Worts distillery. Officially
> named the Gooderham Building, what is it more commonly
> known as today?
Flatiron Building
> the arches of the foot either never develop or collapse,
> with the entire sole of the foot coming into complete or
> near-complete contact with the ground?
flat feet
> the spine is supposed to be straight. What is the name
> for the condition where the spine curves when viewed from
> the back?
> * D. Staying On Pitch
> D1. In musical notation, what does a flat do?
lowers a pitch half a tone
> override the designated key, it is called an accidental.
> A flat is one type of an accidental. Name *either* of the
> other two.
> husband of Queen Victoria. It was the capital of the
> District of Saskatchewan, until the province of that name
> was formed in 1905. Name the city.
> E2. One of the largest land mammals in North America is the
> official mammal emblem of Manitoba. What is it? You must
> give the exact name of this subspecies.
Canadian bison
> for school children, paper versions of the main character
> are mailed around the world to collect adventures. What is
> the title of the book?
Flat Stanley
> F2. Described as a boy band, this country music trio was formed
> in Columbus OH in 1999. Among their hits are "Bless the
> Broken Road" and "I'm Movin' On". Name this band.
Rascal Flats
Dan Blum
"I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't just made it up."
"Peter Smyth" <>: Mar 25 03:25PM

Mark Brader wrote:
> 1. Until 2008, the EU had a law that prevented the sale of one
> vegetable and one fruit if it had an extreme or unsightly
> curvature. Name either item.
> 2. Since 2011, the EU has prohibited manufacturers of bottled
> drinking water from labeling their product with anything
> suggesting that consumption of the product does what?
Prevents dehydration
> face driving bans in the EU?
> 4. In 2010, it was proposed that food would have to be sold by
> weight and not how?
> 5. In the EU it is legal to eat this type of animal unless
> it is your pet. What animal?
> 6. What fruit cannot be advertised for sale as a laxative, due to
> a lack of evidence of its effectiveness?
> 8. As part of the general push to cut energy usage, as of 2014,
> what common household appliance could only have a motor with
> a maximum of 1600 watts -- later reduced further to 900 watts?
Vacuum Cleaner
> not an actual EU law.
> 10. Apparently as a health and safety concern, the EU supposedly
> tried to ban some barmaids from having too much what?
> A1. Found in sheltered areas such as bays, bayous, lagoons,
> and estuaries, what landform is a coastal wetland that is
> formed from deposits?
> evaporation of a water pool such as a pond or larger body?
> These flat expanses of ground usually shine white under
> the sun.
Salt flats
> the arches of the foot either never develop or collapse,
> with the entire sole of the foot coming into complete or
> near-complete contact with the ground?
Plantar Fascitis
> the spine is supposed to be straight. What is the name
> for the condition where the spine curves when viewed from
> the back?
> * D. Staying On Pitch
> D1. In musical notation, what does a flat do?
Make a note one semitone lower
> override the designated key, it is called an accidental.
> A flat is one type of an accidental. Name either of the
> other two.
> husband of Queen Victoria. It was the capital of the
> District of Saskatchewan, until the province of that name
> was formed in 1905. Name the city.
> for school children, paper versions of the main character
> are mailed around the world to collect adventures. What is
> the title of the book?
Flat Henry
> F2. Described as a boy band, this country music trio was formed
> in Columbus OH in 1999. Among their hits are "Bless the
> Broken Road" and "I'm Movin' On". Name this band.
Peter Smyth
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