Saturday, January 23, 2016

Digest for - 14 updates in 3 topics (Mark Brader): Jan 22 06:24PM -0600

These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2015-09-21,
and should be interpreted accordingly.
On each question you may give up to two answers, but if you give
both a right answer and a wrong answer, there is a small penalty.
Please post all your answers to the newsgroup in a single followup,
based only on your own knowledge. (In your answer posting, quote
the questions and place your answer below each one.) I will reveal
the correct answers in about 3 days.
All questions were written by members of the Bloor St. Irregulars,
and are used here by permission, but have been reformatted and may
have been retyped and/or edited by me. For further information
see my 2015-08-18 companion posting on "Questions from the Canadian
Inquisition (QFTCI*)".
* Game 1, Round 7 - Canadiana History - Canadian Murders
1. Michael Briere pleaded guilty to kidnapping and murdering
a 10-year-old girl who was walking past his house on
Bloor St. in 2003. Name the victim; *either* her first
name or last name will do.
2. What was the name of the 12-year-old shoeshine boy, the son
of impoverished Portuguese immigrants, whose sexual assault
and murder shocked Toronto in August 1977?
3. Valery Fabrikant was an associate professor of mechanical
engineering who shot and killed four colleagues in 1992 --
at which university?
4. Denis Lortie is a former Canadian Forces corporal who killed
three government employees when he attacked which building
in 1984?
5. Marc Lepine murdered 14 women and wounded 18 other people when
he attacked which school in 1989?
6. Grace Marks was a Canadian maid who was controversially convicted
of murdering her employer in 1843. In 1996, Margaret Atwood
published a novel based on the case. What was the title?
7. What is the name of the former colonel in the Canadian Forces
who was arrested on murder charges while in command of the
country's largest and busiest military air base, CFB Trenton?
8. A Hungarian-born Canadian former real estate developer who
was convicted in 1974 of arranging the murder of his wife.
It resulted in the longest trial in Canadian history.
What is his name?
9. Born Eric Clinton Kirk Newman, what is the better-known name
of the former pornographic actor and model who killed and
dismembered Lin Jun in 2012, then mailed limbs to elementary
schools and federal political party offices?
10. A now-demolished house at 57 Bayview St., Port Dalhousie, was
the scene of gruesome murders by Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka.
Port Dalhousie is part of which Canadian city?
After completing the round, please decode the rot13: Ba gur
dhrfgvba nobhg zheqrere Znep Yrcvar, gur nafjre vf zber guna
bar jbeq. Vs lbh bayl tnir bar, tb onpx naq pbzcyrgr vg.
* Game 1, Round 8 - Entertainment - Spoiler Alert!
Movies sometimes end with a plot twist. Here are ten spoilers
of now-well-known twists for you -- you name the movies. Note:
if a movie is part of a series, the series title is NOT sufficient.
(As a courtesy to those who might yet see these movies and would
rather not hear about them from me, I have rot13'd the entire round.
You can pick out the dates from the rot13 to decide whether you'd
rather skip the round. Sorry, no bonus points if you can guess
the titles *without* decoding the rot13.)
1. Ireony Xvag jnf whfg znxvat hc gur fgbel. Ur jnf Xnlmre Fbmr
(cebabhaprq "Xnvfre Fbu-mnl") nyy nybat! Juvpu 1995 zbivr?
2. Nu, Ebfrohq jnf gur anzr bs uvf puvyqubbq fyrq! Juvpu 1941
3. Gur ohfvarff bjare uvzfrys qerffrq hc nf uvf qrprnfrq zbgure
jura ur xvyyrq Znevba Penar naq n cevingr qrgrpgvir pnyyrq
Neobtnfg. Juvpu 1960 zbivr?
4. Gur haanzrq aneengbe vf fhssrevat sebz qvffbpvngvir vqragvgl
qvfbeqre. Ur naq fbnc fnyrfzna Glyre Qheqra ner gur fnzr crefba.
Juvpu 1999 zbivr?
5. Qrgrpgvir Grqql Qnavryf tbrf gb n ubfcvgny sbe gur pevzvanyyl
vafnar gb svaq n zvffvat jbzna jub qebjarq ure puvyqera --
ab, npghnyyl Qnavryf vf uvzfrys gur pevzvanyyl vafnar zna jub
zheqrerq gung jbzna. Juvpu 2010 zbivr?
6. Qnegu Inqre vf Yhxr Fxljnyxre'f sngure? Trg bhg bs urer!
Juvpu 1980 zbivr?
7. Url, gung'f gur Fgnghr bs Yvoregl. Vg jnf Rnegu nyy nybat...
Lbh znavnpf! Tbq qnza lbh nyy gb uryy! Juvpu 1968 zbivr?
8. Nneba Fgnzcre vf npdhvggrq bs zheqrevat na nepuovfubc, ohg
uvf ful, areibhf, puvyqyvxr crefban jnf whfg na npg. Gheaf
bhg gurer jnf ab Nneba, bayl Ebl. Juvpu 1996 zbivr?
9. Qe. Znypbyz Pebjr vf n puvyq cflpuvngevfg jbexvat jvgu Pbyr
Frne, n puvyq jub pna frr qrnq crbcyr. Haxabja gb Qe. Pebjr,
Qe. Pebjr uvzfrys vf qrnq. Juvpu 1999 zbivr?
10. Pnzc Pelfgny Ynxr unf orra pybfrq sbe 20 lrnef nsgre n lbhat
obl pnyyrq Wnfba qebjarq gurer naq gjb pbhafrybef jrer zheqrerq.
Gur pnzc vf erbcravat -- naq crbcyr ner trggvat xvyyrq.
Wnfba qvqa'g npghnyyl qebja! Juvpu 1980 zbivr?
Mark Brader | "While President Obama isn't from Kenya, he is a Keynesian--
Toronto | so you can see where the confusion arises." | --Supreme Court brief by Cato Inst. & P.J. O'Rourke
My text in this article is in the public domain. (Dan Blum): Jan 23 01:47AM

> 3. Valery Fabrikant was an associate professor of mechanical
> engineering who shot and killed four colleagues in 1992 --
> at which university?
> 5. Marc Lepine murdered 14 women and wounded 18 other people when
> he attacked which school in 1989?
> 10. A now-demolished house at 57 Bayview St., Port Dalhousie, was
> the scene of gruesome murders by Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka.
> Port Dalhousie is part of which Canadian city?
Halifax; Vancouver
> * Game 1, Round 8 - Entertainment - Spoiler Alert!
> 1. Ireony Xvag jnf whfg znxvat hc gur fgbel. Ur jnf Xnlmre Fbmr
> (cebabhaprq "Xnvfre Fbu-mnl") nyy nybat! Juvpu 1995 zbivr?
Usual Suspects
> 2. Nu, Ebfrohq jnf gur anzr bs uvf puvyqubbq fyrq! Juvpu 1941
> zbivr?
Citizen Kane
> 3. Gur ohfvarff bjare uvzfrys qerffrq hc nf uvf qrprnfrq zbgure
> jura ur xvyyrq Znevba Penar naq n cevingr qrgrpgvir pnyyrq
> Neobtnfg. Juvpu 1960 zbivr?
> 4. Gur haanzrq aneengbe vf fhssrevat sebz qvffbpvngvir vqragvgl
> qvfbeqre. Ur naq fbnc fnyrfzna Glyre Qheqra ner gur fnzr crefba.
> Juvpu 1999 zbivr?
Fight Club
> vafnar gb svaq n zvffvat jbzna jub qebjarq ure puvyqera --
> ab, npghnyyl Qnavryf vf uvzfrys gur pevzvanyyl vafnar zna jub
> zheqrerq gung jbzna. Juvpu 2010 zbivr?
Shutter Island
> 6. Qnegu Inqre vf Yhxr Fxljnyxre'f sngure? Trg bhg bs urer!
> Juvpu 1980 zbivr?
The Empire Strikes Back
> 7. Url, gung'f gur Fgnghr bs Yvoregl. Vg jnf Rnegu nyy nybat...
> Lbh znavnpf! Tbq qnza lbh nyy gb uryy! Juvpu 1968 zbivr?
The Planet of the Apes
> 9. Qe. Znypbyz Pebjr vf n puvyq cflpuvngevfg jbexvat jvgu Pbyr
> Frne, n puvyq jub pna frr qrnq crbcyr. Haxabja gb Qe. Pebjr,
> Qe. Pebjr uvzfrys vf qrnq. Juvpu 1999 zbivr?
The Sixth Sense
> obl pnyyrq Wnfba qebjarq gurer naq gjb pbhafrybef jrer zheqrerq.
> Gur pnzc vf erbcravat -- naq crbcyr ner trggvat xvyyrq.
> Wnfba qvqa'g npghnyyl qebja! Juvpu 1980 zbivr?
Friday the 13th
Dan Blum
"I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't just made it up."
Joshua Kreitzer <>: Jan 23 03:36AM (Mark Brader) wrote in news:lvidnUW2we_KVT_LnZ2dnUU7-
> * Game 1, Round 7 - Canadiana History - Canadian Murders
> 5. Marc Lepine murdered 14 women and wounded 18 other people when
> he attacked which school in 1989?
Ecole Polytechnique
> 10. A now-demolished house at 57 Bayview St., Port Dalhousie, was
> the scene of gruesome murders by Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka.
> Port Dalhousie is part of which Canadian city?

> if a movie is part of a series, the series title is NOT sufficient.
> 1. Ireony Xvag jnf whfg znxvat hc gur fgbel. Ur jnf Xnlmre Fbmr
> (cebabhaprq "Xnvfre Fbu-mnl") nyy nybat! Juvpu 1995 zbivr?
"The Usual Suspects"
> 2. Nu, Ebfrohq jnf gur anzr bs uvf puvyqubbq fyrq! Juvpu 1941
> zbivr?
"Citizen Kane"
> 3. Gur ohfvarff bjare uvzfrys qerffrq hc nf uvf qrprnfrq zbgure
> jura ur xvyyrq Znevba Penar naq n cevingr qrgrpgvir pnyyrq
> Neobtnfg. Juvpu 1960 zbivr?
> 4. Gur haanzrq aneengbe vf fhssrevat sebz qvffbpvngvir vqragvgl
> qvfbeqre. Ur naq fbnc fnyrfzna Glyre Qheqra ner gur fnzr crefba.
> Juvpu 1999 zbivr?
"Fight Club"
> 6. Qnegu Inqre vf Yhxr Fxljnyxre'f sngure? Trg bhg bs urer!
> Juvpu 1980 zbivr?
"The Empire Strikes Back"
> 7. Url, gung'f gur Fgnghr bs Yvoregl. Vg jnf Rnegu nyy nybat...
> Lbh znavnpf! Tbq qnza lbh nyy gb uryy! Juvpu 1968 zbivr?
"Planet of the Apes"
> 8. Nneba Fgnzcre vf npdhvggrq bs zheqrevat na nepuovfubc, ohg
> uvf ful, areibhf, puvyqyvxr crefban jnf whfg na npg. Gheaf
> bhg gurer jnf ab Nneba, bayl Ebl. Juvpu 1996 zbivr?
"Primal Fear"
> 9. Qe. Znypbyz Pebjr vf n puvyq cflpuvngevfg jbexvat jvgu Pbyr
> Frne, n puvyq jub pna frr qrnq crbcyr. Haxabja gb Qe. Pebjr,
> Qe. Pebjr uvzfrys vf qrnq. Juvpu 1999 zbivr?
"The Sixth Sense"
> obl pnyyrq Wnfba qebjarq gurer naq gjb pbhafrybef jrer zheqrerq.
> Gur pnzc vf erbcravat -- naq crbcyr ner trggvat xvyyrq.
> Wnfba qvqa'g npghnyyl qebja! Juvpu 1980 zbivr?
"Friday the 13th"
Suggestion: When you post the answers, please ROT-13 them too.
Joshua Kreitzer
Erland Sommarskog <>: Jan 23 11:38AM +0100

> 2. Ah, Rosebud was the name of his childhood sled! Which 1941
> movie?
Citizen Kane

Erland Sommarskog, Stockholm,
Erland Sommarskog <>: Jan 22 11:57AM

> the largest city in its region. Admittedly, it's hard to separate out
> the unusual name factor that makes Walla^2 even more notable than other
> cities of its size.
If you really want an obscure place in the Seattle area, try Medina!

I think did pretty well for being an out-of-town guy. In the answers given
there were quite a few places I've never heard of. It occurred to me that
the only reason I had heard the name Walla Walla before is because I've
been looking at the list of cities for WA on Looking at
the map, I see that it is way out from the parts of Washington I've been to.
Erland Sommarskog, Stockholm,
Dan Tilque <>: Jan 22 04:45AM -0800

Erland Sommarskog wrote:
> I think did pretty well for being an out-of-town guy.
For being a non-North American, I think you did an outstanding job.
Knowing we have people from several countries on three different
continents, I try to avoid sets of questions where one group has an
advantage. It's hard to come up with such sets and I knew this one was
not one. But I liked the concept so well that I went ahead with it anyway.
It doesn't translate (excuse the pun) to either Australia or Europe very
well, though. Australian placenames that are not named after people, are
generally either English or Aboriginal, and I wouldn't expect anyone to
be able to translate the latter. European names, at least of the larger
cities, don't tend to be words in any language. They may have started
that way centuries ago, but no longer. Unless I gave "new city" as a
clue, but then there'd be at least a couple dozen valid answers in as
many languages (from Villeneuve to Novgorod).
Dan Tilque
Erland Sommarskog <>: Jan 22 03:06PM

> that way centuries ago, but no longer. Unless I gave "new city" as a
> clue, but then there'd be at least a couple dozen valid answers in as
> many languages (from Villeneuve to Novgorod).
Black Water (Western Europe)
Danish Castle (Northern Europe)
Monday (North Asia)
Log Islet (Northern Europe)
White Fort (Southeast Europe)
Edge of Waters (Southwest Europe)
Monks (Central Europe)
Cup (Southern Europe)
River (Southern Europe)
Of Lions (Eastern Europe)
You may not know all these citites even by their real name, but all exceed
Walla Walla in population. :-)
Erland Sommarskog, Stockholm,
Dan Tilque <>: Jan 22 06:19AM -0800

Erland Sommarskog wrote:
>> that way centuries ago, but no longer. Unless I gave "new city" as a
>> clue, but then there'd be at least a couple dozen valid answers in as
>> many languages (from Villeneuve to Novgorod).
I didn't mention another difficulty for Europe: the multiplicity of
languages. Example:
> Black Water (Western Europe)
That could be Agua Negra, Eau Noir, Schwarzwasser, or Aqua Niger, none
of which sound like a city I'm familiar with. Or it could be in some
language I'm not as familiar with such as Irish, Catalan, Portuguese,
Welsh, Scottish, or Basque.
> You may not know all these citites even by their real name, but all exceed
> Walla Walla in population. :-)
Which is irrelevant. As I said before, the absolute value of the
population is less important than the population of the city compared to
its region. Eastern Washington has a much lower density than pretty much
all of Europe except northern Scandinavia, Iceland, and parts of Russia.
For most of Europe, you'd have to have a city at least 5 times as large
as Walla Walla to have a similar level of familiarity.
Dan Tilque
Erland Sommarskog <>: Jan 22 10:36PM +0100

> I didn't mention another difficulty for Europe: the multiplicity of
> languages. Example:
True. On your list, all but one are from a language different from the
local lingo, whereas most of the names I came up with means something
in the local language. (Or meant, some names have been contracted by time,
why the original meaning is no longer obvious.)
There is one exception though, and that is the black water. Actually, I
happen to know two black-water cities in Europe for which this applies.
Except that I was somewhat wrong on the one I listed; I did it all
from memory, and the actual origin of Dublin is rather Blackpool. The
other black-water city is Cernavoda in Roumania. (In area that historically
is Bulgarian.)
The rest:
> Danish Castle (Northern Europe)
Tallinn, Estonia.
> Monday (North Asia)
Dushanbe, Tajikistan
> Log Islet (Northern Europe)
Stockholm, Sweden
> White Fort (Southeast Europe)
Belgrade, Serbia. There is also a Belgorod in Russia.
> Edge of Waters (Southwest Europe)
Bordeaux, France
> Monks (Central Europe)
Munich, Germany
> Cup (Southern Europe)
Brindisi, Italy
> River (Southern Europe)
Rijeka, Croatia. When the city was part of Italy in the inter-war period
it was known as Fiume. Which means the same thing.
> Of Lions (Eastern Europe)
Lviv, Ukraine. Although the city has no relation to lions. It is named
after the king's son Leo. But for some reason the form is genitiv plural,
why I have never understood.
> all of Europe except northern Scandinavia, Iceland, and parts of Russia.
> For most of Europe, you'd have to have a city at least 5 times as large
> as Walla Walla to have a similar level of familiarity.
There is probably something I don't understand about the mindset across
the pond. I can understand you as an almost-local knows about Walla
Walla. But I am more surprised when I see correct answers from far-
away Toronto. For all the sparseness of Eastern WA, Walla Walla is not
a metropolitan signularity. There is after all the lot bigger Spokane.
But maybe Walla Walla is along the I-90 and lot of people see the name
because of this.
The same would not happen in Europe. Take Swedish Östersund, which is
somewhat larger than Walla Walla. It is a provincial capital, and the
nearest other significant city is about 200 km away, so it certainly
qualifies as a singularity. But I would expect very few people in Europe
outside the Nordic countries to have a clue of where it is.
Erland Sommarskog, Stockholm, (Mark Brader): Jan 22 06:31PM -0600

Erland Sommarskog:
> a metropolitan signularity. There is after all the lot bigger Spokane.
> But maybe Walla Walla is along the I-90 and lot of people see the name
> because of this.
No, it's somewhat famous for its unusual name. Read the "In popular
culture" section of the Wikipedia article on the city.
Also, it had to be some place alphabetically after Toronto, assuming
that I had Toronto right.
Mark Brader, Toronto | It depends upon what the meaning of the word "is" is. | -- Bill Clinton
My text in this article is in the public domain.
Dan Tilque <>: Jan 22 01:19PM -0800

Erland Sommarskog wrote:
> the pond. I can understand you as an almost-local knows about Walla
> Walla. But I am more surprised when I see correct answers from far-
> away Toronto.
That's undoubtedly due to the notability of the name. I would not expect
as many to get the similarly-sized Corvallis, for example.
The European equivalent, by the way, is Baden-Baden, which I've heard of
even though it's about the same size as Walla Walla.
Dan Tilque
Erland Sommarskog <>: Jan 23 11:34AM +0100

> No, it's somewhat famous for its unusual name. Read the "In popular
> culture" section of the Wikipedia article on the city.
I thought so. And I suppose this applies to Eau Claire and some of the
other names that were listed that I'd never heard of. (It irks me a little
that I did not enter Los Gatos. But I was not sure of the Spanish word
for "cat". Never heard of the place anyway.)

> Also, it had to be some place alphabetically after Toronto, assuming
> that I had Toronto right.
I was a little suprised to see you having a question mark there. As a
native, I would expect that you would know that - or would know that
Toronto means something else. (Yes, I also entered Toronto. A Canandian
city that comes after Topeka alphabetically.)
Erland Sommarskog, Stockholm,
Erland Sommarskog <>: Jan 22 11:34AM

>> I assume that you have a time limit when do it live?
> One minute total for the two tries, individual and team-assisted answer.
Undoubtedly that makes these particular questions a lot more interesting and
Erland Sommarskog, Stockholm, (Mark Brader): Jan 22 06:22PM -0600

Mark Brader:
> You name that country. For example, if we said Cameroon and
> Central African Republic, the correct answer would be Canada.
> 1. Haiti, Hungary.
Honduras. 4 for Joshua, Dan Blum, Jason, Dan Tilque, Marc, Bruce,
Peter, Erland, Björn, Gareth, and Pete.
> 2. Afghanistan, Algeria.
Albania. 4 for Joshua, Dan Blum, Jason, Dan Tilque, Marc, Bruce,
Peter, Erland, Björn, Gareth, and Pete.
> 3. Netherlands, Nicaragua.
New Zealand. 4 for Joshua, Jason, Dan Tilque, Marc, Bruce, Peter,
Erland, Björn, Gareth, and Pete.
New Guinea is an island; it's Papua New Guinea that's a country.
> 4. Germany, Greece.
Ghana. 4 for Joshua, Dan Blum, Jason, Dan Tilque, Marc, Bruce,
Peter, Gareth, and Pete.
Great Britain is an island; it's often used informally to mean
the United Kingdom, but the UN list uses United Kingdom.
> 5. Belgium, Benin.
Belize. 4 for Joshua, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Marc, Bruce, Peter,
Erland, Björn, Gareth, and Pete.
> 6. Peru, Poland.
Philippines. 4 for Joshua, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Bruce, Erland,
and Gareth.
Pitcairn Island is a dependency of the UK, not a country.
> 7. Eritrea, Ethiopia.
Estonia. 4 for Joshua, Dan Blum, Jason, Dan Tilque, Marc, Bruce,
Peter, Erland, Björn, Gareth, and Pete.
> 8. Trinidad & Tobago, Turkey.
Tunisia. 4 for Joshua, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Marc, Bruce, Erland,
Björn, Gareth, and Pete.
> 9. Monaco, Montenegro.
Mongolia. 4 for Joshua, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Marc, Bruce, Peter,
Gareth, and Pete.
> 10. Viet Nam, Zambia.
Yemen. 4 for Joshua, Dan Blum, Jason, Dan Tilque, Marc, Bruce,
Peter, Erland, and Gareth.
Since 1997 the former Western Samoa has just been called Samoa.
> least by the author of this round, as the Greatest Of All Time
> (GOAT) among men's singles players. Here are 10 questions related
> to the Swiss Mister.
This was the hardest round (the stinker round) in the original game.
> title for 15 consecutive years. Name the city where he won his
> first title. It is Italy's second-largest city and capital of
> the administrative region of Lombardy.
Milan (or Milano). 4 for Joshua, Calvin, Dan Tilque, Marc, Peter,
Erland, Gareth, and Pete. 3 for Dan Blum.
> Name either of the other two male players to have won at least
> 1,000 ATP level matches. One is American; the other was from
> Czechoslovakia.
Jimmy Connors, Ivan Lendl. 4 for Calvin, Peter, Erland, Björn,
Gareth, and Pete. 2 for Joshua and Dan Blum.
> 3. Federer became the 6th man to win the career Grand Slam (winning
> all 4 majors) in 2009. Name the tournament he won to complete
> it -- or just name the surface it's played on.
French Open, clay. 4 for Joshua, Peter, Gareth, and Pete.
3 for Calvin. 2 for Dan Blum.
> was frustrating, you know, it was miserable, it sucked, it was
> terrible. But besides that it was fine"? He is currently a
> commentator on HBO and married to swimsuit model Brooklyn Decker.
Andy Roddick. 4 for Joshua, Calvin, Peter, Gareth, and Pete.
> (2005-2008) from *which organization*, whose mission statement
> is described as "Using the power of sport as a tool for social
> change"?
Laureus. 4 for Peter. 2 for Calvin.
> 6. Federer is a 10-time winner of the ATP tour Sportsmanship
> Award -- named after which Swedish player, who is currently
> Roger Federer's coach and a member of the tennis Hall of Fame?
Stefan Edberg. 4 for Calvin, Peter, Erland, Gareth, and Pete.
As Gareth noted, since this was written Edberg has been replaced as
Federer's coach by Ivan Ljubicic (of Croatia).
> 7. Federer is member of the tennis Big 4, a group of players that
> dominated the ATP between 2008 and 2013. Rafael Nadal and Novak
> Djokovic are two other members of the Big 4. Who is the fourth?
Andy Murray. 4 for Calvin, Peter, Erland, Gareth, and Pete.
> 8. Federer won the 2008 doubles Gold Medal and 2014 Davis cup
> with *which Swiss compatriot*, who is the defending French Open
> champion and a top-10-ranked ATP player?
Stan Wawrinka. 4 for Calvin, Peter, Erland, Gareth, and Pete.
> 9. In the 2014 Davis Cup Final, Federer defeated Gael Monfils
> and Richard Gasquet. Which country was Switzerland playing in
> the final?
France. 4 for Joshua, Dan Blum, Calvin, Dan Tilque, Marc, Peter,
Erland, Björn, and Gareth.
> 10. Roger Federer and his wife have four children. The eldest
> child was born in 2009 and the youngest was born in 2014.
> What is unusual about the births of these four children?
They're two sets of twins. 4 for Joshua, Calvin, and Peter.
In the original game, the question claimed that the probability of
this was 1 in 700,000. I don't have data for Switzerland, but in
the US today it's more like 1 in 1,000.
Scores, if there are no errors:
TOPICS-> Lit Sci Geo Spo
Gareth Owen 36 24 40 32 132
Joshua Kreitzer 36 28 40 22 126
Peter Smyth 16 24 32 40 112
Dan Blum 32 32 36 11 111
Marc Dashevsky 32 32 36 8 108
Dan Tilque 24 23 40 8 95
Pete Gayde 19 12 32 28 91
Erland Sommarskog 8 16 32 24 80
Bruce Bowler 0 36 40 0 76
"Calvin" 24 8 0 37 69
Björn Lundin 16 15 24 8 63
Jason Kreitzer 28 8 24 0 60
Mark Brader, Toronto | There is no step function between "safe" and "unsafe". | -- Jeff Janes
My text in this article is in the public domain.
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