Friday, October 28, 2011 - 16 new messages in 4 topics - digest

Today's topics:

* QFTCI11 Game 10 Rounds 9-10: years, challenge - 7 messages, 7 authors
* Rotating Quiz #37 - ANSWERS & SCORES - 1 messages, 1 author
* Calvin's Quiz #173 - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Calvin's Quiz #174 - 5 messages, 5 authors

TOPIC: QFTCI11 Game 10 Rounds 9-10: years, challenge

== 1 of 7 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 26 2011 11:42 pm
From: Joachim Parsch

Mark Brader schrieb:
> These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2011-03-28,
> and should be interpreted accordingly.
> On each question you may give up to two answers, but if you give
> both a right answer and a wrong answer, there is a small penalty.
> Please post all your answers in a single followup to the newsgroup,
> based only on your own knowledge. (In your answer posting, quote
> the questions and place your answer below each one.) I will reveal
> the correct answers in about 3 days. For further information see
> my 2011-09-22 companion posting on "Questions from the Canadian
> Inquisition (QFTCI11, QFTCIMM)".
> I wrote one of these rounds.
> * Game 10, Round 9 - Historic Years
> This is a *bonus round*.
> For each question, we will name an event or period that lasted
> more than one year, and then give you some details about it.
> If you name the starting year or any of the middle years of the
> event, then you're correct for the normal score. But if you give
> a *single* answer and it's the correct *last* year of the event,
> there's a 2-point bonus for that.
> For example, if the event we named was World War I, then you could
> say 1914, 1915, 1916, or 1917 for 4 points -- or 1918 for 6 points.
> Note that we would not accept 1919 on this question: in the case
> of wars, we want the generally accepted period of hostilities and
> not any formal peace treaties that might have come later.
> So, in short, if you're confident you know the exact dates, go
> for the bonus by giving the closing year as your only response.
> If not, you might prefer to play safe by going for a date in the
> middle of the period, or still safer by giving two answers.
> *Warning*: if you just give a number, like 1200, that means 1200 AD.
> If you mean BC, then say so. In any event, listen carefully to
> the details of the question.
> 1. *The Thirty Years War.* It started out as a religious
> conflict between Protestants and Roman Catholics and ended as
> a conflict between nation states crossing religious lines.
> Much of it was fought in the German lands, which were
> devastated. Prominent military figures were Count Johan
> von Tilly ("TILL-ee"), Albrecht von Wallenstein, and King
> Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden.


> 2. *The lifetime of Alexander the Great.* The campaigns and
> conquests of Alexander the Great of Macedon took place
> during a period of some 13 years, and led to an era of
> "Hellenization", meaning the spread of ancient Greek culture,
> and language to some extent. But for this question, name
> any year during his lifetime -- or for the bonus, the year
> of his death.

333 B.C.

> 3. *The Second Punic War.* For our purposes this war between
> Carthage and Rome began when Hannibal invaded Italy by
> crossing the Alps and ended at the battle of Zama south of
> Carthage when Hannibal was defeated.

200 B.C.

> 4. *Muhammad's life after the Hegira* ("he-JEE-ra"). Years in
> the Islamic calendar are counted from the time when the
> variously spelled prophet Muhammad fled from Mecca to the
> city now called Medina. This event is known as the Hegira.
> In our calendar, name any year from the Hegira until
> Muhammad's death.


> 5. *The War of the Roses.* This war was a struggle for the
> English throne between the Yorkists and the Lancastrians.
> For our purposes it began with the Battle of St. Albans
> on May 22 of the first year and ended with the Battle of
> Bosworth Field on August 22 of the final year. (We mentioned
> the dates because they are also the wedding and birth dates
> respectively of the author of this round.)


> 6. *The Regency.* This era in the UK officially began when King
> George III was declared unfit to rule and the Prince of Wales
> (the future George IV) ruled in his place as Prince Regent.
> It ended when George III died and George IV acceded to
> the throne. The term is also used more broadly for a style
> of architecture, literature, fashion, politics, and culture
> starting some 15 years earlier and extending a similar time
> after George III's death. But this question is about the
> narrower meaning, the actual legal regency.
> 7. *The Restoration Era.* For our purposes, this era coincides
> with the reign of King Charles II in England, beginning
> when he was restored to the throne. During this period New
> Amsterdam became New York City as a result of the Second
> Anglo-Dutch war, the Hudson's Bay Company was founded, and
> women appeared on the English stage, allowing for delightful
> Restoration comedies.


> 8. *The reign of King Richard I*, "the Lionheart". Richard the
> Lionheart succeeded his father Henry II as King of England,
> and was followed by Richard's brother, King John. Richard was
> actually in England for only about 6 months of his reign:
> his most significant event was his leadership of the Third
> Crusade. But, as usual, name any year during his reign,
> or the final year for the bonus.


> 9. *The Hundred Years War.* This name was coined in the 1860s,
> apparently by people who couldn't count very well, to refer
> to a past series of conflicts between England and France,
> essentially between the Plantaganet and Valois dynasties.
> Significant events during the war included the battles of
> Crécy, Poitiers, and Agincourt, as well as the exploits of
> Joan of Arc.


> 10. *The War of the Spanish Succession.* This war was fought
> among various powers -- including Great Britain, the Holy
> Roman Empire, Portugal, Savoy, France, and Bavaria --
> in order to determine whether Spain and France would be
> united under one powerful monarch. (Spoiler: they weren't.)
> It was fought in Europe, the West Indies, and North and
> South America. To the English colonists, the war in North
> America was called Queen Anne's War.
> * Game 10, Round 10 - Challenge Round
> For the categories, *see the handout*:
> [As I post this, Eskimo seems not to be responding. If this
> problem doesn't go away, email me for a copy of the handout.]
> (The idea was that in the original game the handouts would
> be passed down the table to the active players in turn, and
> each player would choose a row instead of a category name.
> The checkboxes at left under the row letters were provided to
> mark off the questions as they were used.)
> Row A:
> A1. Which logo is used by a sports team that plays in the
> greater Los Angeles area? Answer by giving the column
> number.
> A2. Which logo is used by the University of Arizona football
> team? Give the column number.
> Identify the other three teams if you like for fun, but for no points.
> Row B:
> B1. What political group or movement *took its name* from
> the symbol in column 3?

Native Indian Rights Movement?

> B2. A version of the symbol in column 3 appeared on a US
> coin from 1916 until it was replaced by a torch of
> similar shape in 1946. *What denomination* of coin?


> Row C:
> C1. One letter in one of these equations represents electric
> current. Give the column number for the equation, *and*
> the letter.

3, I

> C2. One letter in one of these equations represents distance
> traveled. Give the column number for the equation,
> *and* the letter.

1, s

> Explicate the other equations if you like for fun, but for no points.
> Row D:
> These are maps of major rivers, at various scales. The lengths
> of the rivers vary from about 1,000 kilometers to several
> thousand. All maps have north at the top. All the rivers flow
> more or less westward into the ocean, gulf, sea, or whatever,
> of which we've shown a small part in gray.
> D1. In which column is the Columbia River?
> D2. In which column is the Congo River? The upstream part
> known as the Lualaba is included on the map as part of it.


> Decode the rot13 if you would like to try identifying the other three
> rivers for fun, but for no points.
> D3. Gur Pbybenqb.
> D4. Gur Ybver.
> D5. Gur Lhxba.
> Row E:
> E1. The person in column 4 is the premier of what province?
> E2. The person in column 1 is the premier of what province?
> Identify the other three premiers by name and/or by province or
> territory if you like for fun, but for no points.
> Row F:
> F1. Which of these sex symbols was married for about 5 years
> to Orson Welles? Just give the column number.

2 (Rita Hayworth).

> F2. Which of these sex symbols was married for about 5 years
> to Roger Vadim? Just give the column number.

Brigitte Bardot... ok, Number 4, I guess (not 2,3 or 5).

> The three decoys were (in rot13) Wnlar Znafsvryq, Znevyla Zbaebr,
> naq Endhry Jrypu. For each one, identify if you like for fun,
> but for no points, their picture number *and* any one of the
> husbands they were married to for at least 4 years.

Monroe: 3, Arthur Miller.
Mansfield: 5, Henry Kissinger :-)
Welch: 1


== 2 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 27 2011 3:58 am
From: swp

On Wednesday, October 26, 2011 10:45:21 PM UTC-4, Mark Brader wrote:
> Mark Brader:
> > > C1. One letter in one of these equations represents electric
> > > current. Give the column number for the equation, *and*
> > > the letter.
> Stephen Perry:
> > 3, the letter is 'i' (ohm's law)
> Y'know, algebraic formulas are case-sensitive.
> You get away with this stunt only because I'm following the rule of
> the original game that pronunciation is what normally counts.
> > swp, who has been away for too long working long hours and preparing to
> > settle on a new house.
> Yeah, I was looking forward to seeing how you'd do on the Toronto
> intersections photo round, and you weren't even there to try it.
> --
> Mark Brader | I passed a sign that said "you are here",
> Toronto | but I didn't entirely believe it.
> | --Michael Levine
> My text in this article is in the public domain.

I went back to check that one out. I would have gotten 2 of them, I think. one by dint of giving the same stock answer for all questions and the other because I recognized it. and I see that someone else already made the round count in any case.

btw, I *can* capitalize certain letters!


== 3 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 27 2011 10:53 am
From: (Mark Brader)

Joshua Kreitzer:
> Raquel Welch: 1 (too late to change F2 now, and don't know her
> husband's name)

You could always have tried "Welch"...
Mark Brader, Toronto | "Common sense isn't any more common on Usenet | than it is anywhere else." --Henry Spencer

== 4 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 27 2011 1:21 pm
From: "Peter Smyth"

"Mark Brader" wrote in message

>1. *The Thirty Years War.* It started out as a religious
> conflict between Protestants and Roman Catholics and ended as
> a conflict between nation states crossing religious lines.
> Much of it was fought in the German lands, which were
> devastated. Prominent military figures were Count Johan
> von Tilly ("TILL-ee"), Albrecht von Wallenstein, and King
> Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden.
>2. *The lifetime of Alexander the Great.* The campaigns and
> conquests of Alexander the Great of Macedon took place
> during a period of some 13 years, and led to an era of
> "Hellenization", meaning the spread of ancient Greek culture,
> and language to some extent. But for this question, name
> any year during his lifetime -- or for the bonus, the year
> of his death.
450BC, 400BC
>3. *The Second Punic War.* For our purposes this war between
> Carthage and Rome began when Hannibal invaded Italy by
> crossing the Alps and ended at the battle of Zama south of
> Carthage when Hannibal was defeated.
50BC, 30BC
>4. *Muhammad's life after the Hegira* ("he-JEE-ra"). Years in
> the Islamic calendar are counted from the time when the
> variously spelled prophet Muhammad fled from Mecca to the
> city now called Medina. This event is known as the Hegira.
> In our calendar, name any year from the Hegira until
> Muhammad's death.
500, 550
>5. *The War of the Roses.* This war was a struggle for the
> English throne between the Yorkists and the Lancastrians.
> For our purposes it began with the Battle of St. Albans
> on May 22 of the first year and ended with the Battle of
> Bosworth Field on August 22 of the final year. (We mentioned
> the dates because they are also the wedding and birth dates
> respectively of the author of this round.)
>6. *The Regency.* This era in the UK officially began when King
> George III was declared unfit to rule and the Prince of Wales
> (the future George IV) ruled in his place as Prince Regent.
> It ended when George III died and George IV acceded to
> the throne. The term is also used more broadly for a style
> of architecture, literature, fashion, politics, and culture
> starting some 15 years earlier and extending a similar time
> after George III's death. But this question is about the
> narrower meaning, the actual legal regency.
>7. *The Restoration Era.* For our purposes, this era coincides
> with the reign of King Charles II in England, beginning
> when he was restored to the throne. During this period New
> Amsterdam became New York City as a result of the Second
> Anglo-Dutch war, the Hudson's Bay Company was founded, and
> women appeared on the English stage, allowing for delightful
> Restoration comedies.
>8. *The reign of King Richard I*, "the Lionheart". Richard the
> Lionheart succeeded his father Henry II as King of England,
> and was followed by Richard's brother, King John. Richard was
> actually in England for only about 6 months of his reign:
> his most significant event was his leadership of the Third
> Crusade. But, as usual, name any year during his reign,
> or the final year for the bonus.
>9. *The Hundred Years War.* This name was coined in the 1860s,
> apparently by people who couldn't count very well, to refer
> to a past series of conflicts between England and France,
> essentially between the Plantaganet and Valois dynasties.
> Significant events during the war included the battles of
> Crécy, Poitiers, and Agincourt, as well as the exploits of
> Joan of Arc.
>10. *The War of the Spanish Succession.* This war was fought
> among various powers -- including Great Britain, the Holy
> Roman Empire, Portugal, Savoy, France, and Bavaria --
> in order to determine whether Spain and France would be
> united under one powerful monarch. (Spoiler: they weren't.)
> It was fought in Europe, the West Indies, and North and
> South America. To the English colonists, the war in North
> America was called Queen Anne's War.
>* Game 10, Round 10 - Challenge Round

>Row A:
> A1. Which logo is used by a sports team that plays in the
> greater Los Angeles area? Answer by giving the column
> number.
2, 5
> A2. Which logo is used by the University of Arizona football
> team? Give the column number.
3, 4
>Identify the other three teams if you like for fun, but for no points.
>Row B:
> B1. What political group or movement *took its name* from
> the symbol in column 3?
> B2. A version of the symbol in column 3 appeared on a US
> coin from 1916 until it was replaced by a torch of
> similar shape in 1946. *What denomination* of coin?
5c, 10c
>Row C:
> C1. One letter in one of these equations represents electric
> current. Give the column number for the equation, *and*
> the letter.
3 I
> C2. One letter in one of these equations represents distance
> traveled. Give the column number for the equation,
> *and* the letter.
1 s
>Explicate the other equations if you like for fun, but for no points.
>Row D:
> These are maps of major rivers, at various scales. The lengths
> of the rivers vary from about 1,000 kilometers to several
> thousand. All maps have north at the top. All the rivers flow
> more or less westward into the ocean, gulf, sea, or whatever,
> of which we've shown a small part in gray.
> D1. In which column is the Columbia River?
> D2. In which column is the Congo River? The upstream part
> known as the Lualaba is included on the map as part of it.
>Decode the rot13 if you would like to try identifying the other three
>rivers for fun, but for no points.
> D3. Gur Pbybenqb.
> D4. Gur Ybver.
> D5. Gur Lhxba.
>Row E:
> E1. The person in column 4 is the premier of what province?
Alberta, Manitoba
> E2. The person in column 1 is the premier of what province?
Saskatchewan, British Columbia
>Identify the other three premiers by name and/or by province or
>territory if you like for fun, but for no points.
>Row F:
> F1. Which of these sex symbols was married for about 5 years
> to Orson Welles? Just give the column number.
2, 4
> F2. Which of these sex symbols was married for about 5 years
> to Roger Vadim? Just give the column number.
1, 5

Peter Smyth

== 5 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 27 2011 2:43 pm
From: Erland Sommarskog

Mark Brader ( writes:
> 1. *The Thirty Years War.* It started out as a religious
> conflict between Protestants and Roman Catholics and ended as
> a conflict between nation states crossing religious lines.
> Much of it was fought in the German lands, which were
> devastated. Prominent military figures were Count Johan
> von Tilly ("TILL-ee"), Albrecht von Wallenstein, and King
> Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden.


> 2. *The lifetime of Alexander the Great.* The campaigns and
> conquests of Alexander the Great of Macedon took place
> during a period of some 13 years, and led to an era of
> "Hellenization", meaning the spread of ancient Greek culture,
> and language to some extent. But for this question, name
> any year during his lifetime -- or for the bonus, the year
> of his death.

310 BC

> 3. *The Second Punic War.* For our purposes this war between
> Carthage and Rome began when Hannibal invaded Italy by
> crossing the Alps and ended at the battle of Zama south of
> Carthage when Hannibal was defeated.

161 BC

> 4. *Muhammad's life after the Hegira* ("he-JEE-ra"). Years in
> the Islamic calendar are counted from the time when the
> variously spelled prophet Muhammad fled from Mecca to the
> city now called Medina. This event is known as the Hegira.
> In our calendar, name any year from the Hegira until
> Muhammad's death.

632 AD

> 5. *The War of the Roses.* This war was a struggle for the
> English throne between the Yorkists and the Lancastrians.
> For our purposes it began with the Battle of St. Albans
> on May 22 of the first year and ended with the Battle of
> Bosworth Field on August 22 of the final year. (We mentioned
> the dates because they are also the wedding and birth dates
> respectively of the author of this round.)


> 6. *The Regency.* This era in the UK officially began when King
> George III was declared unfit to rule and the Prince of Wales
> (the future George IV) ruled in his place as Prince Regent.
> It ended when George III died and George IV acceded to
> the throne. The term is also used more broadly for a style
> of architecture, literature, fashion, politics, and culture
> starting some 15 years earlier and extending a similar time
> after George III's death. But this question is about the
> narrower meaning, the actual legal regency.


> 7. *The Restoration Era.* For our purposes, this era coincides
> with the reign of King Charles II in England, beginning
> when he was restored to the throne. During this period New
> Amsterdam became New York City as a result of the Second
> Anglo-Dutch war, the Hudson's Bay Company was founded, and
> women appeared on the English stage, allowing for delightful
> Restoration comedies.


> 8. *The reign of King Richard I*, "the Lionheart". Richard the
> Lionheart succeeded his father Henry II as King of England,
> and was followed by Richard's brother, King John. Richard was
> actually in England for only about 6 months of his reign:
> his most significant event was his leadership of the Third
> Crusade. But, as usual, name any year during his reign,
> or the final year for the bonus.


> 9. *The Hundred Years War.* This name was coined in the 1860s,
> apparently by people who couldn't count very well, to refer
> to a past series of conflicts between England and France,
> essentially between the Plantaganet and Valois dynasties.
> Significant events during the war included the battles of
> Crécy, Poitiers, and Agincourt, as well as the exploits of
> Joan of Arc.


> 10. *The War of the Spanish Succession.* This war was fought
> among various powers -- including Great Britain, the Holy
> Roman Empire, Portugal, Savoy, France, and Bavaria --
> in order to determine whether Spain and France would be
> united under one powerful monarch. (Spoiler: they weren't.)
> It was fought in Europe, the West Indies, and North and
> South America. To the English colonists, the war in North
> America was called Queen Anne's War.


> Row A:
> A1. Which logo is used by a sports team that plays in the
> greater Los Angeles area? Answer by giving the column
> number.


> A2. Which logo is used by the University of Arizona football
> team? Give the column number.


> B2. A version of the symbol in column 3 appeared on a US
> coin from 1916 until it was replaced by a torch of
> similar shape in 1946. *What denomination* of coin?

Five cents

> C1. One letter in one of these equations represents electric
> current. Give the column number for the equation, *and*
> the letter.

I, column 3.

> C2. One letter in one of these equations represents distance
> traveled. Give the column number for the equation,
> *and* the letter.

s, column 1

> D1. In which column is the Columbia River?


> D2. In which column is the Congo River? The upstream part
> known as the Lualaba is included on the map as part of it.


> Decode the rot13 if you would like to try identifying the other three
> rivers for fun, but for no points.
> D3. Gur Pbybenqb.


> D4. Gur Ybver.


> D5. Gur Lhxba.


> Row E:
> E1. The person in column 4 is the premier of what province?

British Columbia

> E2. The person in column 1 is the premier of what province?


> F1. Which of these sex symbols was married for about 5 years
> to Orson Welles? Just give the column number.


> F2. Which of these sex symbols was married for about 5 years
> to Roger Vadim? Just give the column number.


Erland Sommarskog, Stockholm,

== 6 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 27 2011 3:04 pm
From: "Rob Parker"

> * Game 10, Round 9 - Historic Years
> This is a *bonus round*.
> For each question, we will name an event or period that lasted
> more than one year, and then give you some details about it.
> If you name the starting year or any of the middle years of the
> event, then you're correct for the normal score. But if you give
> a *single* answer and it's the correct *last* year of the event,
> there's a 2-point bonus for that.
> For example, if the event we named was World War I, then you could
> say 1914, 1915, 1916, or 1917 for 4 points -- or 1918 for 6 points.
> Note that we would not accept 1919 on this question: in the case
> of wars, we want the generally accepted period of hostilities and
> not any formal peace treaties that might have come later.
> So, in short, if you're confident you know the exact dates, go
> for the bonus by giving the closing year as your only response.
> If not, you might prefer to play safe by going for a date in the
> middle of the period, or still safer by giving two answers.
> *Warning*: if you just give a number, like 1200, that means 1200 AD.
> If you mean BC, then say so. In any event, listen carefully to
> the details of the question.
> 1. *The Thirty Years War.* It started out as a religious
> conflict between Protestants and Roman Catholics and ended as
> a conflict between nation states crossing religious lines.
> Much of it was fought in the German lands, which were
> devastated. Prominent military figures were Count Johan
> von Tilly ("TILL-ee"), Albrecht von Wallenstein, and King
> Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden.

1620; 1720

> 2. *The lifetime of Alexander the Great.* The campaigns and
> conquests of Alexander the Great of Macedon took place
> during a period of some 13 years, and led to an era of
> "Hellenization", meaning the spread of ancient Greek culture,
> and language to some extent. But for this question, name
> any year during his lifetime -- or for the bonus, the year
> of his death.

323 BC

> 3. *The Second Punic War.* For our purposes this war between
> Carthage and Rome began when Hannibal invaded Italy by
> crossing the Alps and ended at the battle of Zama south of
> Carthage when Hannibal was defeated.

100 BC; 200 BC

> 4. *Muhammad's life after the Hegira* ("he-JEE-ra"). Years in
> the Islamic calendar are counted from the time when the
> variously spelled prophet Muhammad fled from Mecca to the
> city now called Medina. This event is known as the Hegira.
> In our calendar, name any year from the Hegira until
> Muhammad's death.

600; 650

> 5. *The War of the Roses.* This war was a struggle for the
> English throne between the Yorkists and the Lancastrians.
> For our purposes it began with the Battle of St. Albans
> on May 22 of the first year and ended with the Battle of
> Bosworth Field on August 22 of the final year. (We mentioned
> the dates because they are also the wedding and birth dates
> respectively of the author of this round.)

1450; 1500

> 6. *The Regency.* This era in the UK officially began when King
> George III was declared unfit to rule and the Prince of Wales
> (the future George IV) ruled in his place as Prince Regent.
> It ended when George III died and George IV acceded to
> the throne. The term is also used more broadly for a style
> of architecture, literature, fashion, politics, and culture
> starting some 15 years earlier and extending a similar time
> after George III's death. But this question is about the
> narrower meaning, the actual legal regency.

1750; 1800

> 7. *The Restoration Era.* For our purposes, this era coincides
> with the reign of King Charles II in England, beginning
> when he was restored to the throne. During this period New
> Amsterdam became New York City as a result of the Second
> Anglo-Dutch war, the Hudson's Bay Company was founded, and
> women appeared on the English stage, allowing for delightful
> Restoration comedies.

1670; 1690

> 8. *The reign of King Richard I*, "the Lionheart". Richard the
> Lionheart succeeded his father Henry II as King of England,
> and was followed by Richard's brother, King John. Richard was
> actually in England for only about 6 months of his reign:
> his most significant event was his leadership of the Third
> Crusade. But, as usual, name any year during his reign,
> or the final year for the bonus.

1315; 1345

> 9. *The Hundred Years War.* This name was coined in the 1860s,
> apparently by people who couldn't count very well, to refer
> to a past series of conflicts between England and France,
> essentially between the Plantaganet and Valois dynasties.
> Significant events during the war included the battles of
> Crécy, Poitiers, and Agincourt, as well as the exploits of
> Joan of Arc.

1400; 1450

> 10. *The War of the Spanish Succession.* This war was fought
> among various powers -- including Great Britain, the Holy
> Roman Empire, Portugal, Savoy, France, and Bavaria --
> in order to determine whether Spain and France would be
> united under one powerful monarch. (Spoiler: they weren't.)
> It was fought in Europe, the West Indies, and North and
> South America. To the English colonists, the war in North
> America was called Queen Anne's War.

1600; 1650

> * Game 10, Round 10 - Challenge Round
> A1. Which logo is used by a sports team that plays in the
> greater Los Angeles area? Answer by giving the column
> number.

1; 4
> A2. Which logo is used by the University of Arizona football
> team? Give the column number.

2; 5

> B1. What political group or movement *took its name* from
> the symbol in column 3?


> B2. A version of the symbol in column 3 appeared on a US
> coin from 1916 until it was replaced by a torch of
> similar shape in 1946. *What denomination* of coin?

$1; 20 cent

> C1. One letter in one of these equations represents electric
> current. Give the column number for the equation, *and*
> the letter.

3 I

> C2. One letter in one of these equations represents distance
> traveled. Give the column number for the equation,
> *and* the letter.
1 s

> D1. In which column is the Columbia River?

1; 2

> D2. In which column is the Congo River? The upstream part
> known as the Lualaba is included on the map as part of it.

2; 4

> E1. The person in column 4 is the premier of what province?

British Columbia; Alberta

> E2. The person in column 1 is the premier of what province?

British Columbia; Alberta

> F1. Which of these sex symbols was married for about 5 years
> to Orson Welles? Just give the column number.

> F2. Which of these sex symbols was married for about 5 years
> to Roger Vadim? Just give the column number.



== 7 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 27 2011 6:20 pm
From: Pete (Mark Brader) wrote in

> These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2011-03-28,
> and should be interpreted accordingly.
> On each question you may give up to two answers, but if you give
> both a right answer and a wrong answer, there is a small penalty.
> Please post all your answers in a single followup to the newsgroup,
> based only on your own knowledge. (In your answer posting, quote
> the questions and place your answer below each one.) I will reveal
> the correct answers in about 3 days. For further information see
> my 2011-09-22 companion posting on "Questions from the Canadian
> Inquisition (QFTCI11, QFTCIMM)".
> I wrote one of these rounds.
> * Game 10, Round 9 - Historic Years
> This is a *bonus round*.
> For each question, we will name an event or period that lasted
> more than one year, and then give you some details about it.
> If you name the starting year or any of the middle years of the
> event, then you're correct for the normal score. But if you give
> a *single* answer and it's the correct *last* year of the event,
> there's a 2-point bonus for that.
> For example, if the event we named was World War I, then you could
> say 1914, 1915, 1916, or 1917 for 4 points -- or 1918 for 6 points.
> Note that we would not accept 1919 on this question: in the case
> of wars, we want the generally accepted period of hostilities and
> not any formal peace treaties that might have come later.
> So, in short, if you're confident you know the exact dates, go
> for the bonus by giving the closing year as your only response.
> If not, you might prefer to play safe by going for a date in the
> middle of the period, or still safer by giving two answers.
> *Warning*: if you just give a number, like 1200, that means 1200 AD.
> If you mean BC, then say so. In any event, listen carefully to
> the details of the question.
> 1. *The Thirty Years War.* It started out as a religious
> conflict between Protestants and Roman Catholics and ended as
> a conflict between nation states crossing religious lines.
> Much of it was fought in the German lands, which were
> devastated. Prominent military figures were Count Johan
> von Tilly ("TILL-ee"), Albrecht von Wallenstein, and King
> Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden.

1650; 1660

> 2. *The lifetime of Alexander the Great.* The campaigns and
> conquests of Alexander the Great of Macedon took place
> during a period of some 13 years, and led to an era of
> "Hellenization", meaning the spread of ancient Greek culture,
> and language to some extent. But for this question, name
> any year during his lifetime -- or for the bonus, the year
> of his death.

50 BC

> 3. *The Second Punic War.* For our purposes this war between
> Carthage and Rome began when Hannibal invaded Italy by
> crossing the Alps and ended at the battle of Zama south of
> Carthage when Hannibal was defeated.

50 BC

> 4. *Muhammad's life after the Hegira* ("he-JEE-ra"). Years in
> the Islamic calendar are counted from the time when the
> variously spelled prophet Muhammad fled from Mecca to the
> city now called Medina. This event is known as the Hegira.
> In our calendar, name any year from the Hegira until
> Muhammad's death.

300; 350

> 5. *The War of the Roses.* This war was a struggle for the
> English throne between the Yorkists and the Lancastrians.
> For our purposes it began with the Battle of St. Albans
> on May 22 of the first year and ended with the Battle of
> Bosworth Field on August 22 of the final year. (We mentioned
> the dates because they are also the wedding and birth dates
> respectively of the author of this round.)

1650; 1660

> 6. *The Regency.* This era in the UK officially began when King
> George III was declared unfit to rule and the Prince of Wales
> (the future George IV) ruled in his place as Prince Regent.
> It ended when George III died and George IV acceded to
> the throne. The term is also used more broadly for a style
> of architecture, literature, fashion, politics, and culture
> starting some 15 years earlier and extending a similar time
> after George III's death. But this question is about the
> narrower meaning, the actual legal regency.

1750; 1760

> 7. *The Restoration Era.* For our purposes, this era coincides
> with the reign of King Charles II in England, beginning
> when he was restored to the throne. During this period New
> Amsterdam became New York City as a result of the Second
> Anglo-Dutch war, the Hudson's Bay Company was founded, and
> women appeared on the English stage, allowing for delightful
> Restoration comedies.

1730; 1740

> 8. *The reign of King Richard I*, "the Lionheart". Richard the
> Lionheart succeeded his father Henry II as King of England,
> and was followed by Richard's brother, King John. Richard was
> actually in England for only about 6 months of his reign:
> his most significant event was his leadership of the Third
> Crusade. But, as usual, name any year during his reign,
> or the final year for the bonus.

1200; 1220

> 9. *The Hundred Years War.* This name was coined in the 1860s,
> apparently by people who couldn't count very well, to refer
> to a past series of conflicts between England and France,
> essentially between the Plantaganet and Valois dynasties.
> Significant events during the war included the battles of
> Crécy, Poitiers, and Agincourt, as well as the exploits of
> Joan of Arc.

1510; 1520

> 10. *The War of the Spanish Succession.* This war was fought
> among various powers -- including Great Britain, the Holy
> Roman Empire, Portugal, Savoy, France, and Bavaria --
> in order to determine whether Spain and France would be
> united under one powerful monarch. (Spoiler: they weren't.)
> It was fought in Europe, the West Indies, and North and
> South America. To the English colonists, the war in North
> America was called Queen Anne's War.

1730; 1740

> * Game 10, Round 10 - Challenge Round
> For the categories, *see the handout*:
> [As I post this, Eskimo seems not to be responding. If this
> problem doesn't go away, email me for a copy of the handout.]
> (The idea was that in the original game the handouts would
> be passed down the table to the active players in turn, and
> each player would choose a row instead of a category name.
> The checkboxes at left under the row letters were provided to
> mark off the questions as they were used.)
> Row A:
> A1. Which logo is used by a sports team that plays in the
> greater Los Angeles area? Answer by giving the column
> number.


> A2. Which logo is used by the University of Arizona football
> team? Give the column number.


> Identify the other three teams if you like for fun, but for no points.
> Row B:
> B1. What political group or movement *took its name* from
> the symbol in column 3?
> B2. A version of the symbol in column 3 appeared on a US
> coin from 1916 until it was replaced by a torch of
> similar shape in 1946. *What denomination* of coin?

10 cents

> Row C:
> C1. One letter in one of these equations represents electric
> current. Give the column number for the equation, *and*
> the letter.

3, I

> C2. One letter in one of these equations represents distance
> traveled. Give the column number for the equation,
> *and* the letter.

1, s

> Explicate the other equations if you like for fun, but for no points.
> Row D:
> These are maps of major rivers, at various scales. The lengths
> of the rivers vary from about 1,000 kilometers to several
> thousand. All maps have north at the top. All the rivers flow
> more or less westward into the ocean, gulf, sea, or whatever,
> of which we've shown a small part in gray.
> D1. In which column is the Columbia River?


> D2. In which column is the Congo River? The upstream part
> known as the Lualaba is included on the map as part of it.


> Decode the rot13 if you would like to try identifying the other three
> rivers for fun, but for no points.
> D3. Gur Pbybenqb.
> D4. Gur Ybver.
> D5. Gur Lhxba.
> Row E:
> E1. The person in column 4 is the premier of what province?

Alberta; British Columbia

> E2. The person in column 1 is the premier of what province?

Alberta; British Columbia

> Identify the other three premiers by name and/or by province or
> territory if you like for fun, but for no points.
> Row F:
> F1. Which of these sex symbols was married for about 5 years
> to Orson Welles? Just give the column number.


> F2. Which of these sex symbols was married for about 5 years
> to Roger Vadim? Just give the column number.


> The three decoys were (in rot13) Wnlar Znafsvryq, Znevyla Zbaebr,
> naq Endhry Jrypu. For each one, identify if you like for fun,
> but for no points, their picture number *and* any one of the
> husbands they were married to for at least 4 years.


TOPIC: Rotating Quiz #37 - ANSWERS & SCORES

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 27 2011 2:14 am
From: "David B"

Poor turnout this week but I have to give the answers now as I'm away until

Roky Erickson was a founder member and songwriter of which 1960's band?
- The 13th Floor Elevators.
<Marc D>

How many pints of beer in a firkin?
- 72.
<Chris J><Rob P>

What are Poi?
- Weighted objects on a cord used in the performing art of Poi, the swinging
of said objects.
The question used 'are' not 'is' but feel free to question my decision.
<Rob P>

Shaun White is a professional in which sport?
- Snowboarding.
<Marc D>

Which British band currently in the news organised a mini festival / concert
that became known as 'Baggy Woodstock'?
- The Stone Roses.

Which colours are on the Welsh flag?
- Green, White and Red.
<Chris J><Rob P><Calvin>

What is Vajrayana?
- A form of Buddhism.
<Chris J>

Who wrote 'A Short History Of Nearly Everything'?
- Bill Bryson.
<Marc D><Chris J><Rob P><Calvin>

Which Architect and town planner designed the Liverpool Metropolitan
Cathdral and The London Central Mosque?
- Sir Frederick Gibberd.
<Chris J>

'Boomhauer' was a character in which animated television series?
King of the Hill.
<Marc D><Chris J><Calvin>
<Mark B> 0
<Marc D> 4
<Chris J> 6
<Rob P> 4
<Calvin> 3

Tie breaker:
Not needed.

Well done Chris, over to you for Rotating Quiz #38.

TOPIC: Calvin's Quiz #173

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 27 2011 1:13 pm
From: "Peter Smyth"

"Calvin" wrote in message
>1 What is the Boy Scouts' motto?
Be Prepared
>2 In the UK, what do 60% of domestic dogs and cats have?
a microchip?
>3 Which international airline is headquartered in Hong Kong?
Cathay Pacific
>4 Jill Munroe, Kelly Garrett & Sabrina Duncan were characters in which
>1970s TV show?
>5 In which 1975 film did Roy Scheider portray Chief Brody?
>6 Which American Indian language was used as a code in the Second World
>7 What is India's national bird?
>8 Which monarch is the subject of the 2010 film The King's Speech?
George VI
>9 What is grappa?
>10 Singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen is a native of which country?

Peter Smyth

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 27 2011 5:40 pm
From: Pete

Calvin <> wrote in

> 1 What is the Boy Scouts' motto?

Be Prepared

> 2 In the UK, what do 60% of domestic dogs and cats have?

Chips implanted

> 3 Which international airline is headquartered in Hong Kong?

Cathay Pacific

> 4 Jill Munroe, Kelly Garrett & Sabrina Duncan were characters in
> which 1970s TV show?

Charlie's Angels

> 5 In which 1975 film did Roy Scheider portray Chief Brody?


> 6 Which American Indian language was used as a code in the Second
> World War?


> 7 What is India's national bird?


> 8 Which monarch is the subject of the 2010 film The King's Speech?

George VI

> 9 What is grappa?

Italian moonshine

> 10 Singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen is a native of which country?




== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 27 2011 6:58 pm
From: Calvin

On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 13:47:03 +1000, Calvin <> wrote:

> 1 What is the Boy Scouts' motto?

Be Prepared

> 2 In the UK, what do 60% of domestic dogs and cats have?

Health Insurance
I basically asked this for a laugh though a couple of teams at the local
club got it. I saw it in an article somewhere last year (as did they, I
guess) but cannot verify the figure. Micro chips was a good guess along
the same lines.

> 3 Which international airline is headquartered in Hong Kong?

Cathay Pacific

> 4 Jill Munroe, Kelly Garrett & Sabrina Duncan were characters in which
> 1970s TV show?

Charlie's Angels

> 5 In which 1975 film did Roy Scheider portray Chief Brody?


> 6 Which American Indian language was used as a code in the Second World
> War?


> 7 What is India's national bird?

Well done David

> 8 Which monarch is the subject of the 2010 film The King's Speech?

George VI

> 9 What is grappa?

I liked Pete's "Italian moonshine" answer best :-)

> 10 Singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen is a native of which country?

Canada, Eh?

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 TOTAL Quiz 173
- - - - - - - - - - --- ----------
1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 8 Bruce Bowler
1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 7 Chris Johnson
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 7 David Brown
1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 5 Erland S
1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 6 Jeffrey Turner
0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 7 Joachim Parsch
1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 8 John Masters
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 6 Marc Dashevsky
1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 8 Mark Brader
1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 8 Pete Gayde
1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 5 Peter Smyth
1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 7 Rob Parker
- - - - - - - - - - --- ----------
11 0 10 10 9 8 1 10 11 12 82 68%

Congratulations Bruce, John Mark and Pete.


TOPIC: Calvin's Quiz #174

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 27 2011 8:50 pm
From: Calvin

1 Which branch of medicine is concerned with artificial human limbs?
2 What was the given name of Margaret Thatcher's husband
3 In which novel and film do the Oompa Loompas appear?
4 Which Peanuts character offers psychiatric advice?
5 Who are Amy, Beth, Jo and Meg?
6 What is the main commercial use of the whale product ambergris ?
7 Who served 18 years at Robben Island prison in the 1970s and 80s?
8 Which American actor helped establish the Sundance Film Festival in 1978?
9 Is the coffee bean actually a bean, a nut or seed?
10 Who was Marilyn Monroe's last husband?


== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 27 2011 9:02 pm
From: (Mark Brader)

> 1 Which branch of medicine is concerned with artificial human limbs?


> 2 What was the given name of Margaret Thatcher's husband


> 3 In which novel and film do the Oompa Loompas appear?

Novel "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", films "Willie Wonka
and the Chocolate Factory" and "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory".

> 4 Which Peanuts character offers psychiatric advice?


> 5 Who are Amy, Beth, Jo and Meg?

The March sisters in "Little Women".

> 6 What is the main commercial use of the whale product ambergris ?


> 7 Who served 18 years at Robben Island prison in the 1970s and 80s?
> 8 Which American actor helped establish the Sundance Film Festival in 1978?


> 9 Is the coffee bean actually a bean, a nut or seed?


> 10 Who was Marilyn Monroe's last husband?

Mark Brader "Poor spelling does not prove poor knowledge,
Toronto but is fatal to the argument by intimidation." -- Gene Ward Smith

My text in this article is in the public domain.

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 27 2011 9:17 pm
From: Marc Dashevsky

In article <>, says...
> 1 Which branch of medicine is concerned with artificial human limbs?
> 2 What was the given name of Margaret Thatcher's husband
> 3 In which novel and film do the Oompa Loompas appear?
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Willie Wonka and the Chocolate
Factory is an incorrect answer since there is only a film of that
name -- no book.)

> 4 Which Peanuts character offers psychiatric advice?

> 5 Who are Amy, Beth, Jo and Meg?
the Little Women

> 6 What is the main commercial use of the whale product ambergris ?

> 7 Who served 18 years at Robben Island prison in the 1970s and 80s?
Nelson Mandela

> 8 Which American actor helped establish the Sundance Film Festival in 1978?
Robert Redford

> 9 Is the coffee bean actually a bean, a nut or seed?

> 10 Who was Marilyn Monroe's last husband?
Arthur Miller

Go to to send me e-mail.

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 27 2011 10:07 pm
From: John Masters

On 2011-10-28 03:50:51 +0000, Calvin said:

> 1 Which branch of medicine is concerned with artificial human limbs?
> 2 What was the given name of Margaret Thatcher's husband


> 3 In which novel and film do the Oompa Loompas appear?
> 4 Which Peanuts character offers psychiatric advice?


> 5 Who are Amy, Beth, Jo and Meg?

Little Women

> 6 What is the main commercial use of the whale product ambergris ?


> 7 Who served 18 years at Robben Island prison in the 1970s and 80s?

Nelson Mandela

> 8 Which American actor helped establish the Sundance Film Festival in 1978?

Robert Redford

> 9 Is the coffee bean actually a bean, a nut or seed?


> 10 Who was Marilyn Monroe's last husband?

Arthur Miller

== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 12:07 am
From: Erland Sommarskog

Calvin ( writes:
> 1 Which branch of medicine is concerned with artificial human limbs?


> 7 Who served 18 years at Robben Island prison in the 1970s and 80s?

Nelson Mandela

> 9 Is the coffee bean actually a bean, a nut or seed?


> 10 Who was Marilyn Monroe's last husband?

Mr. Monroe.

Erland Sommarskog, Stockholm,


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