Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - 7 new messages in 4 topics - digest

Today's topics:

* Rare Entries Contest MSB72: final reminder - 1 messages, 1 author
* Rotating Quiz #31 - 1 messages, 1 author
* QFTCI11 Game 7 Rounds 2-3 answers: math jargon, movie/song titles - 1
messages, 1 author
* QFTCI11 Game 7 Rounds 4,6: hard flags, hard mottos - 4 messages, 4 authors

TOPIC: Rare Entries Contest MSB72: final reminder

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Sep 12 2011 10:10 pm
From: (Mark Brader)

This is a final reminder of the current Rare Entries contest.
If the level of participation is not satisfactory, it will also be
the final contest in the MSB series. Please consider entering even
if you don't think you have good answers for all the questions.

As always, reply ONLY BY EMAIL to; do not post to
any newsgroup. Entries must reach here by Saturday, September
17, 2011 (by Toronto time, zone -4). At the time of posting,
you have a bit less than 5 days to enter.

Everything below this point is the same as in the original contest
announcement. See below the questions for a detailed explanation,
which is unchanged from last time.


0. Name something or someone that Google has commemorated
with a "Google Doodle" or "Google Holiday Logo" in 2011.
(See rule 4.4.)

1. Name a moon (natural satellite) of Mars.

2. Name a language whose English name obviously refers to
a specific country now existing, and which is the primary
language used in a different country. *NOTE*: For this and
the following question, the usual rule 4.1.1 does *not* apply,
so that "country" is not limited to independent countries
but may be used with any sensible meaning. (However, the
two countries must not share any part of their territory.)

3. Give a name (formal or informal, but not a nickname or
abbreviation) that is regularly used in English to identify
a present-day country whose largest city (metropolitan area)
is London. Again, rule 4.1.1 does not apply.

For example, if I had said "New York" instead of "London",
correct answers would include "United States" and "America",
but not "Stateside" or "USA".

4. Name a word that is a preposition and is 2 letters long.
Both letters must occur in the English alphabet.

5. Name a unit of pressure. You must be able, if asked, to cite
3 unrelated web pages where this unit of pressure is actually
used (rather than defined -- for example, they might be giving
a measurement, estimate, specification, or forecast).

6. Name a person who was President of the US and made at least
some attempt to run for an additional term of office that
would not have been allowed if the 22nd Amendment had been
part of the Constitution from the outset. In effect this
means he was president for 6 years or more and made at least
some attempt to run for an additional 4-year term.

7. Name a country existing in 1926, that in 1906 either did not
exist or was smaller in area (not counting dependencies).
That is, between those two years it was either created,
re-created, or enlarged. This time rule 4.1.1 *does* apply,
both in regard to what is a country and to whether two
countries existing at different times are the same country.

8. Name a medium in which a version of "The Hitchhiker's Guide
to the Galaxy" (written originally by Douglas Adams) has been
produced and commercially distributed.

9. In some sports completing a specific task scores, all at once,
a certain number of points that is given specifically in the
rules of the sport. Give such a number that occurs in the
scoring of some sport. *NOTE*: You must also name the sport,
but it will *not* be taken as part of the answer.

For example, if darts was considered a sport, then you might
answer "25 (darts)", in reference to the score for hitting
the outer ring of the bullseye; but this would be counted
equivalently to a correct answer of 25 in conjunction with
any other sport. But even if duplicate bridge was considered
a sport, the 22 matchpoints that you might score (in North
American scoring) by beating the pairs at 22 other tables
would still not make "22 (duplicate bridge)" a correct answer,
because the 22 is merely a count of pairs beaten, and not a
number specified in the rules.

For purposes of this question "sport" does not include
competitions based only on mental skill and/or dexterity with
the hands and arms, such as card games, pool games, or darts.


* 1. The Game

As usual, for each of the questions above, your objective is to give
an answer that (1) is correct, and (2) will be duplicated by as FEW
other people as possible. Feel free to use any reference material
you like to RESEARCH your answers; but when you have found enough
possible answers for your liking, you are expected to choose on your
own which one to submit, WITHOUT mechanical or computer assistance:
this is meant to be a game of wits.

* 2. Scoring

The scores on the different questions are MULTIPLIED to produce a
final score for each entrant. Low score wins; a perfect score is 1.

If your answer on a category is correct, then your score is the number
of people who gave that answer, or an answer I consider equivalent.

A wrong answer, or a skipped question, gets a high score as a penalty.
This is the median of:
- the number of entrants
- the square root of that number, rounded up to an integer
- double the highest score that anyone would have on this
question if all answers were deemed correct

* 2.1 Scoring Example

Say I ask for a color on the current Canadian flag. There are
26 entrants -- 20 say "red", 4 say "blue", and 1 each say "gules",
"white", and "blue square". After looking up gules I decide it's
the same color as red and should be treated as a duplicate answer;
then the 21 people who said either "red" or "gules" get 21 points
each. The person who said "white" gets a perfect score of 1 point.

"Blue square" is not a color and blue is not a color on the flag;
the 5 people who gave either of these answers each get the same
penalty score, which is the median of:
- number of entrants = 27
- sqrt(27) = 5.196+, rounded up = 6
- double the highest score = 21 x 2 = 42
or in this case, 27.

* 2.2 More Specific Variants

On some questions it's possible that one entrant will give an answer
that's a more specific variant of an answer given by someone else.
In that case the more specific variant will usually be scored as if
the two answers are different, but the other, less specific variant
will be scored as if they are the same.

In the above example, if I had decided (wrongly) to score gules as
a more specific variant of red, then "red" would still score 21,
but "gules" would now score 1.

If a wrong answer is clearly associated with a specific right
answer, I will score the right answer as if the wrong answer was a
more specific variant of it. In the above example, if there were
3 additional entrants who said "white square", then "white square"
would be scored as wrong, but the score for "white" would be 4, not 1.

"More specific" scoring will NOT apply if the question asks for an
answer "in general terms"; a more specific answer will then at best be
treated the same as the more general one, and may be considered wrong.

* 3. Entries

Entries must be emailed to the address given above. Please do not
quote the questions back to me, and do send only plain text in ASCII
or ISO 8859-1: no HTML, attachments, Micros--t character sets, etc.,
and no Unicode, please. (Entrants who fail to comply will be publicly
chastised in the results posting.)

Your message should preferably consist of just your 10 answers,
numbered from 0 to 9, along with any explanations required. Your
name should be in it somewhere -- a From: line or signature is fine.
(If I don't see both a first and a last name, or an explicit request
for a particular form of your name to be used, then your email address
will be posted in the results).

You can expect an acknowledgement when I read your entry. If this
bounces, it won't be sent again.

* 3.1 Where Leeway is Allowed

In general there is no penalty for errors of spelling, capitalization,
English usage, or other such matters of form, nor for accidentally
sending email in an unfinished state, so long as it's clear enough
what you intended. Sometimes a specific question may imply stricter
rules, though. And if you give an answer that properly refers to a
different thing related to the one you intended, I will normally take
it as written.

Once you intentionally submit an answer, no changes will be allowed,
unless I decide there was a problem with the question. Similarly,
alternate answers within an entry will not be accepted. Only the
first answer that you intentionally submit counts.

* 3.2 Clarifications

Questions are not intended to be hard to understand, but I may fail
in this intent. (For one thing, in many cases clarity could only be
provided by an example which would suggest one or another specific
answer, and I mustn't do that.)

In order to be fair to all entrants, I must insist that requests for
clarification must be emailed to me, NOT POSTED in any newsgroup.
But if you do ask for clarification, I'll probably say that the
question is clear enough as posted. If I do decide to clarify or
change a question, all entrants will be informed.

* 3.3 Supporting Information

It is your option whether or not to provide supporting information
to justify your answers. If you don't, I'll email you to ask for
it if I need to. If you supply it in the form of a URL, if at all
possible it should be a "deep link" to the specific relevant page.
There is no need to supply URLs for obvious, well-known reference
web sites, and there is no point in supplying URLs for pages that
don't actually support your answer.

If you provide any explanatory remarks along with your answers, you
are responsible for making it sufficiently clear that they are not
part of the answers. The particular format doesn't matter as long
as you're clear. In the scoring example above, "white square" was
wrong; "white (in the central square)" would have been taken as a
correct answer with an explanation.

* 4. Interpretation of questions

These are general rules that apply unless a question specifically
states otherwise.

* 4.1 Geography
* 4.1.1 Countries

"Country" means an independent country. Whether or not a place is
considered an independent country is determined by how it is listed
in reference sources.

For purposes of these contests, the Earth is considered to be divid-
ed into disjoint areas each of which is either (1) a country, (2) a
dependency, or (3) without national government. Their boundaries
are interpreted on a de facto basis. Any place with representatives
in a country's legislature is considered a part of that country rather
than a dependency of it.

The European Union is considered as an association of countries, not
a country itself.

Claims that are not enforced, or not generally recognized, don't count.
Places currently fighting a war of secession don't count. Embassies
don't count as special; they may have extraterritorial rights, but
they're still part of the host country (and city).

Countries existing at different historical times are normally
considered the same country if they have the same capital city.

* 4.1.2 States or provinces

Many countries or dependencies are divided into subsidiary political
entities, typically with their own subsidiary governments. At the
first level of division, these entities are most commonly called
states or provinces, but various other names are used; sometimes
varying even within the same country (e.g. to indicate unequal
political status).

Any reference to "states or provinces" in a question refers to
these entities at the first level of division, no matter what they
are called.

* 4.1.3 Distances

Distances between places on the Earth are measured along a great
circle path, and distance involving cities are based on the city
center (downtown).

* 4.2 Entertainment

A "movie" does not include any form of TV broadcast or video release;
it must have been shown in cinemas. "Oscar" and "Academy Award" are
AMPAS trademarks and refer to the awards given by that organization.
"Fiction" includes dramatizations of true stories.

* 4.3 Words and Numbers
* 4.3.1 Different Answers

Some questions specifically ask for a *word*, rather than the thing
that it names; this means that different words with the same meaning
will in general be treated as distinct answers. However, if two or
more inflectional variants, spelling variants, or other closely
related forms are correct answers, they will be treated as equivalent.

Similarly, if the question specifically asks for a name, different
things referred to by the same name will be treated as the same.

* 4.3.2 Permitted Words

The word that you give must be listed (or implied by a listing,
as with inflected forms) in a suitable dictionary. Generally
this means a printed dictionary published recently enough
to show reasonably current usage, or its online equivalent.
Other reasonably authoritative sources may be accepted on a
case-by-case basis. Words listed as obsolete or archaic usage
don't count, and sources that would list those words without
distinguishing them are not acceptable as dictionaries.

* 4.3.3 Permitted Numbers

Where the distinction is important, "number" refers to a specific
mathematical value, whereas "numeral" means a way of writing it.
Thus "4", "IV", and "four" are three different numerals representing
the same number. "Digit" means one of the characters "0", "1", "2",
etc. (These definitions represent one of several conflicting common

* 4.3.4 "Contained in"

If a question asks for a word or numeral "contained" or "included"
in a phrase, title, or the like, this does not include substrings or
alternate meanings of words, unless explictly specified. For example,
if "Canada in 1967" is the title of a book, it contains the numeral
1967 and the preposition "in"; but it does not contain the word "an",
the adjective "in", or the numeral 96.

* 4.4 Tense and Time

When a question is worded in the present tense, the correctness of
your answer is determined by the facts at the moment you submit it.
(In a case where, in my judgement, people might reasonably be unaware
of the facts having changed, an out-of-date answer may be accepted as
correct.) Questions worded in the present perfect tense include the
present unless something states or implies otherwise. (For example,
Canada is a country that "has existed", as well as one that "exists".)
Different verbs in a sentence bear their usual tense relationship to
each other.

You are not allowed to change the facts yourself in order to make an
answer correct. For example, if a question asks for material on the
WWW, what you cite must already have existed before the contest was
first posted.

* 5. Judging

As moderator, I will be the sole judge of what answers are correct,
and whether two answers with similar meaning (like red and gules)
are considered the same, different, or more/less specific variants.

I will do my best to be fair on all such issues, but sometimes it is
necessary to be arbitrary. Those who disagree with my rulings are
welcome to complain (or to start a competing contest, or whatever).

I may rescore the contest if I agree that I made a serious error and
it affects the high finishers.

* 6. Results

Results will normally be posted within a few days of the contest
closing. They may be delayed if I'm unexpectedly busy or for
technical reasons. If I feel I need help evaluating one or more
answers, I may make a consultative posting in the newsgroups before
scoring the contest.

In the results posting, all entrants will be listed in order of score,
but high (bad) scores may be omitted. The top few entrants' full
answer slates will be posted. A table of answers and their scores
will be given for each question.

* 7. Fun

This contest is for fun. Please do have fun, and good luck to all.
Mark Brader | "If you're incompetent, you can't know you're incompetent...
Toronto | the skills you need to produce a right answer are exactly | the skills you need to recognize what a right answer is."
--David Dunning
My text in this article is in the public domain.

TOPIC: Rotating Quiz #31

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 13 2011 3:30 am
From: Dan Tilque

Joachim Parsch wrote:
> Hi,
> these are made-up taglines for movies (the year, in which they were
> released is given). I hope it isn't too difficult.
> Name the Title (1 point) *and* the director (1 point)
> for the movie in question. The movies have one thing in common,
> which will give a bonus point.
> 1. (1922) Renamed, but still scary and thirsty at night.


> 2. (1935) Clark Gable was there first, Marlon Brando followed later.
> 3. (1942) Classic tale of what happens to an old man, married to
> a young woman, her lover and the ultimate crime.
> 4. (1948) We're looking for a vehicle to commute.

The Bicycle Thief

> 5. (1957) Death is almost stalemate, but finally wins against knight and jester.
> 6. (1960) Mother will always be the first woman in his life!
> 7. (1979) Just one part of the city of cities.
> 8. (1984) As weird as hell, and even...?
> 9. (1993) They were saved by a piece of paper with their names on it!
> 10.(2009) An estate in Germany at the start of the first world war, a count,
> a priest, strange children and mysterious crimes, all
> foreboding the second world war.
> 11. What do these movies have in common?

Dan Tilque

Keeping Pluto dead has taken a lot of work.
-- Mike Brown "How I killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming"

TOPIC: QFTCI11 Game 7 Rounds 2-3 answers: math jargon, movie/song titles

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 13 2011 5:59 pm
From: (Mark Brader)

Mark Brader;
> These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2011-03-07,
> and should be interpreted accordingly... For further information
> see my 2011-05-23 companion posting on "Questions from the
> Canadian Inquisition (QFTCI5GNM, QFTCI11, QFTCIMM)".

> I wrote one of these rounds.

That was the math round.

> * Game 7, Round 2 - Math Jargon

> 1. What is the term for taking the set of elements that
> are in common between two or more other sets? For example,
> if set A contains "Harvey", "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington",
> "The Philadelphia Story", and "It's a Wonderful Life"; and
> set B contains "Mark", "Cy", "Rodney", "Miles", "David",
> and "Harvey"; then the result of doing this operation on
> sets A and B would be a set that just contains "Harvey".
> What is the name of this operation?

Intersection. 4 for everyone -- Peter, Marc, Dan Blum, Joshua,
Jeff, Erland, Calvin, Rob, Dan Tilque, and Stephen.

Set B consists of the first names of recent or current regular players
on the Usual Suspects. Some people in the league had been in the
habit, when a team played shorthanded, of notating the empty seat as
"Harvey", and were a bit disconcerted when we put a real Harvey on
our team!

> 2. Another operation on two or more sets makes a set out of
> all the elements that appear in either (or any) one. In the
> same example, doing this on sets A and B would produce the
> set containing "Harvey", "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington",
> "The Philadelphia Story", "It's a Wonderful Life", "Mark",
> "Cy", "Rodney", "Miles", and "David". What's the name of
> this operation on sets?

Union. 4 for everyone.

> 3. The "natural numbers" are 1, 2, 3, etc. and perhaps also 0,
> depending on which mathematician is talking. But if, as well
> as 0, you include both the positive and negative versions of
> the natural numbers, what set of numbers do you get? That is,
> 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. and also -1, -2, -3, etc.: what is the name
> for those numbers? Note: we don't want "whole numbers",
> a term more often used similarly to "natural numbers".

Integers. 4 for Peter, Marc, Dan Blum, Joshua, Jeff, Calvin, Rob,
Dan Tilque, and Stephen.

> 4. What is the name of the set of numbers that includes not
> only all of the <answer 3>, but also all possible numbers
> in between them, such as fractions, decimals, the square
> root of 2, and the number pi?

Real numbers. 4 for Peter, Marc, Dan Blum, Joshua, Jeff, Erland,
Rob, Dan Tilque, and Stephen.

> 5. What is the term for an expression that is a sum of multiples
> of different powers of a single variable? For example,
> 5x + 1 or x^4 + 6x� - 2x� + x + 30 (where ^4 represents a
> superscript 4).

(Univariate) polynomial. 4 for Peter, Dan Blum, Joshua, Jeff, Rob,
Dan Tilque, and Stephen.

> 6. If you have a list of numbers, sort them in order, and take
> the middle one, what is that number called? For example,
> if there are 9 numbers and you take the 5th-largest one,
> it is what?

Median. 4 for Peter, Marc, Dan Blum, Joshua, Jeff, Erland, Calvin,
Rob, and Dan Tilque.

> 7. If two numbers multiply together to equal 1, what are
> they called? For example, 1/6 and 6 are a pair of what?

Reciprocals or (multiplicative) inverses. 4 for Peter, Marc,
Dan Blum, Joshua, Jeff, Erland, Calvin, Dan Tilque, and Stephen.

> 8. 7 + 6 equals 6 + 7, or in general A + B equals B + A for any
> numbers A and B. In other words, addition is an operation
> that has what property? Name the property.

The commutative property. 4 for Peter, Marc, Dan Blum, Joshua,
Jeff, and Dan Tilque. 3 for Erland.

> 9. In a right-angled triangle, the longest side is always
> the one opposite the right angle, and it has a special name.
> What is that?

Hypotenuse. 4 for everyone.

> 10. If you have a geometrical figure and you perform an operation
> that divides it exactly into two equal halves -- such as
> drawing a diagonal of a square -- what have you done to
> the figure? No, "halved it" is not acceptable.

Bisection. 4 for Peter, Marc, Dan Blum, Joshua, Jeff, Rob,
and Dan Tilque.

> * Game 7, Round 3 - You Can't Copyright a Title

> There is no copyright protection for the titles of movies or songs.
> As a result, it's common to see a song and a movie share the same
> title, even when they have nothing to do with each other. In recent
> years we've often seen film titles following songs, in order to
> capture some interest due to familiarity with the title -- and,
> of course, to avoid having to actually be creative. Less common
> nowadays is to have a song named for a movie, when it wasn't used
> in the movie, but *these* are the ones we'll be asking about.

> For this round, we will give you the year of a movie, its genre,
> and one or two of the stars, and we'll give you the year of release
> and the artist for a song that came out some time later, but has
> the same title. In each case, we want that common title.

> 1. 1973 horror movie with Edward Woodward and Christopher Lee;
> 2000 song from Iron Maiden.

"The Wicker Man". 4 for Dan Blum, Joshua, Calvin, and Stephen.

> 2. 1948 crime drama with Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall;
> 1981 song from Bertie Higgins.

"Key Largo". 4 for Marc, Dan Blum, Joshua, Rob, Dan Tilque,
and Stephen.

> 3. 1945 comedy-Western with Gary Cooper and Loretta Young;
> 1959 song from The Coasters.

"Along Came Jones". 4 for Marc and Joshua.

> 4. 1981 crime drama with Burt Lancaster and Susan Sarandon;
> 1982 song from Bruce Springsteen.

"Atlantic City". 4 for Marc, Joshua, and Stephen.

> 5. 1961 romantic comedy-drama with Audrey Hepburn; 1995 song
> from Deep Blue Something.

"Breakfast at Tiffany's". 4 for Peter, Marc, Dan Blum, Joshua,
Calvin, Rob, and Stephen.

> 6. 1954 crime drama / suspense movie with Frank Sinatra and
> Sterling Hayden; 1984 song from Billy Ocean.


> 7. 1962 drama with Jennifer Jones and Jason Robards; 1983 song
> from Jackson Browne.

"Tender is the Night". 4 for Joshua and Stephen. 2 for Rob.

> 8. 1981 drama with Ron Perlman and Rae Dawn Chong; 1983 song
> from Iron Maiden.

"Quest for Fire". 4 for Joshua and Stephen.

> 9. 1959 comedy with Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis; 1985 song from
> The Power Station with Robert Palmer.

"Some Like It Hot". 4 for Peter, Marc, Dan Blum, Joshua, Calvin,
and Stephen.

> 10. 1931 horror movie with Boris Karloff and Colin Clive;
> 1973 song from Edgar Winter.

"Frankenstein". 4 for Marc, Joshua, Rob, Dan Tilque, and Stephen.
3 for Calvin.

Scores, if there are no errors:

TOPICS-> Sci Ent
Joshua Kreitzer 40 36 76
Stephen Perry 28 32 60
Marc Dashevsky 36 24 60
Dan Blum 40 16 56
Peter Smyth 40 8 48
Dan Tilque 40 8 48
Rob Parker 32 14 46
Jeff Turner 40 0 40
"Calvin" 24 15 39
Erland Sommarskog 27 0 27

Mark Brader ...the scariest words of the afternoon:
Toronto "Hey, don't worry, I've read all about doing this sort of thing!" -- Vernor Vinge

My text in this article is in the public domain.

TOPIC: QFTCI11 Game 7 Rounds 4,6: hard flags, hard mottos

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 13 2011 6:03 pm
From: (Mark Brader)

These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2011-03-07,
and should be interpreted accordingly.

On each question you may give up to two answers, but if you give
both a right answer and a wrong answer, there is a small penalty.
Please post all your answers in a single followup to the newsgroup,
based only on your own knowledge. (In your answer posting, quote
the questions and place your answer below each one.) I will reveal
the correct answers in about 3 days. For further information see
my 2011-05-23 companion posting on "Questions from the Canadian
Inquisition (QFTCI5GNM, QFTCI11, QFTCIMM)".

I wrote 4 questions in one of these rounds.

* Game 7, Round 4 - Confusing Flags

As everyone knows, it is extremely important to be able to identify
different national flags; otherwise, how could you possibly
distinguish a friendly ship from a hostile one?

On the handout
you will find a number of flags that may lead to errors in
identification. 24 of them are flags of independent countries;
one belongs to a dependent territory. A couple of flags actually
show the name of the country, so we have removed some lettering
from those.

All flag images are taken from the Flags of the World web site,
where they try to reproduce flags in their correct shapes and
proper shades of color. Some other sources where you might have
seen these flags would have all the rectangles the same shape and
would use only a few colors so that flags 14 and 15, for example,
would look identical. Of course the colors are still only as
accurate as your display; the point is, don't be put off by minor
variations. Also note that a few flags exist in two versions,
with or without a coat of arms or similar feature; we've gone with
whichever version was given precedence at Flags of the World.

So, for each question we will name a country and you must tell us
the flag number.

1. Lithuania.
2. The Philippines.
3. Paraguay.
4. Guatemala.
5. Cuba.
6. Ghana.
7. Nicaragua.
8. Costa Rica.
9. Colombia.
10. Thailand.

The decoys are listed here in rot13. Name them if you like for fun,
but for no points.

11. Netragvan.
12. Obyvivn.
13. Pnzrebba.
14. Punq.
15. Puvyr.
16. Pmrpu Erchoyvp.
17. Rphnqbe.
18. Thvarn.
19. Ubaqhenf.
20. Znyv.
21. Zlnazne (Ohezn).
22. Argureynaqf.
23. Chregb Evpb (HF qrcraqrapl).
24. Ebznavn.
25. Irarmhryn.

* Game 7, Round 6 - Canadian Mottos

1. What is the official motto of Ontario, in its conventional
English translation? It's six words long; exact answer

2. Which province or territory of Canada has an official motto
that mentions its own name? In its English version, the
motto begins with the name and continues with the words
"our strength".

3. Please answer the previous question before decoding the
following rot13: Ahanihg vf gur bayl bar bs Pnanqn'f
greevgbevrf gb unir na bssvpvny zbggb, ohg nyy bs gur
cebivaprf qb, zbfgyl va Yngva. Sbe gur arkg fvk dhrfgvbaf
jr jvyy ernq lbh n zbggb va vgf Ratyvfu genafyngvba naq lbh
zhfg anzr gur cebivapr. Lbhe zbggb vf: "Tybevbhf naq serr".

4. "Strong and free".

5. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God".

6. "Splendor without diminishment".

7. "The small under the protection of the great".

8. "One defends and the other conquers".

9. Which company or organization has the motto "Maintiens
le droit"?

10. According to the Globe and Mail's editorial-page motto,
the subject who is truly loyal to the Chief Magistrate will
neither advise nor submit to what? We need both words.

Mark Brader, Toronto,
"But even though they probably certainly know that you probably
wouldn't, they don't certainly know that although you probably
wouldn't there's no probability that you certainly would."
-- Sir Humphrey Appleby ("Yes, Prime Minister") on nuclear deterrence

My text in this article is in the public domain.

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 13 2011 8:13 pm
From: Marc Dashevsky

In article <>, says...
> * Game 7, Round 4 - Confusing Flags
> As everyone knows, it is extremely important to be able to identify
> different national flags; otherwise, how could you possibly
> distinguish a friendly ship from a hostile one?
> On the handout
> you will find a number of flags that may lead to errors in
> identification. 24 of them are flags of independent countries;
> one belongs to a dependent territory. A couple of flags actually
> show the name of the country, so we have removed some lettering
> from those.
> All flag images are taken from the Flags of the World web site,
> where they try to reproduce flags in their correct shapes and
> proper shades of color. Some other sources where you might have
> seen these flags would have all the rectangles the same shape and
> would use only a few colors so that flags 14 and 15, for example,
> would look identical. Of course the colors are still only as
> accurate as your display; the point is, don't be put off by minor
> variations. Also note that a few flags exist in two versions,
> with or without a coat of arms or similar feature; we've gone with
> whichever version was given precedence at Flags of the World.
> So, for each question we will name a country and you must tell us
> the flag number.
> 1. Lithuania.

> 2. The Philippines.

> 3. Paraguay.
> 4. Guatemala.
> 5. Cuba.

> 6. Ghana.

> 7. Nicaragua.
> 8. Costa Rica.

> 9. Colombia.
> 10. Thailand.

> * Game 7, Round 6 - Canadian Mottos
> 1. What is the official motto of Ontario, in its conventional
> English translation? It's six words long; exact answer
> required.
> 2. Which province or territory of Canada has an official motto
> that mentions its own name? In its English version, the
> motto begins with the name and continues with the words
> "our strength".
> 3. Please answer the previous question before decoding the
> following rot13: Ahanihg vf gur bayl bar bs Pnanqn'f
> greevgbevrf gb unir na bssvpvny zbggb, ohg nyy bs gur
> cebivaprf qb, zbfgyl va Yngva. Sbe gur arkg fvk dhrfgvbaf
> jr jvyy ernq lbh n zbggb va vgf Ratyvfu genafyngvba naq lbh
> zhfg anzr gur cebivapr. Lbhe zbggb vf: "Tybevbhf naq serr".
> 4. "Strong and free".
> 5. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God".
> 6. "Splendor without diminishment".
British Columbia

> 7. "The small under the protection of the great".
Prince Edward Island

> 8. "One defends and the other conquers".
Newfoundland and Labrador

> 9. Which company or organization has the motto "Maintiens
> le droit"?
> 10. According to the Globe and Mail's editorial-page motto,
> the subject who is truly loyal to the Chief Magistrate will
> neither advise nor submit to what? We need both words.

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== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 13 2011 9:38 pm
From: Calvin

On Wed, 14 Sep 2011 11:03:02 +1000, Mark Brader <> wrote:

> 1. Lithuania.


> 2. The Philippines.


> 3. Paraguay.


> 4. Guatemala.

24, 25

> 5. Cuba.

16, 11

> 6. Ghana.


> 7. Nicaragua.

24, 25

> 8. Costa Rica.

17, 18

> 9. Colombia.

10, 9

> 10. Thailand.

17, 18

> * Game 7, Round 6 - Canadian Mottos
> 1. What is the official motto of Ontario, in its conventional
> English translation? It's six words long; exact answer
> required.
> 2. Which province or territory of Canada has an official motto
> that mentions its own name? In its English version, the
> motto begins with the name and continues with the words
> "our strength".


> 3. Please answer the previous question before decoding the
> following rot13: Ahanihg vf gur bayl bar bs Pnanqn'f
> greevgbevrf gb unir na bssvpvny zbggb, ohg nyy bs gur
> cebivaprf qb, zbfgyl va Yngva. Sbe gur arkg fvk dhrfgvbaf
> jr jvyy ernq lbh n zbggb va vgf Ratyvfu genafyngvba naq lbh
> zhfg anzr gur cebivapr. Lbhe zbggb vf: "Tybevbhf naq serr".

> 4. "Strong and free".


> 5. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God".


> 6. "Splendor without diminishment".


> 7. "The small under the protection of the great".

Nova Scotia, PEI

> 8. "One defends and the other conquers".


> 9. Which company or organization has the motto "Maintiens
> le droit"?

Tim Hortons :-)

> 10. According to the Globe and Mail's editorial-page motto,
> the subject who is truly loyal to the Chief Magistrate will
> neither advise nor submit to what? We need both words.




== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 12:28 am
From: "Peter Smyth"

"Mark Brader" wrote in message

>* Game 7, Round 4 - Confusing Flags
>1. Lithuania.
>2. The Philippines.
>3. Paraguay.
>4. Guatemala.
24, 20
>5. Cuba.
>6. Ghana.
>7. Nicaragua.
25, 20
>8. Costa Rica.
>9. Colombia.
9, 10
>10. Thailand.
>The decoys are listed here in rot13. Name them if you like for fun,
>but for no points.
>11. Argentina.
>12. Bolivia.
>13. Cameroon.
>14. Chad.
>15. Chile.
>16. Czech Republic.
>17. Ecuador.
>18. Guinea.
>19. Honduras.
>20. Mali.
>21. Myanmar (Burma).
>22. Netherlands.
>23. Puerto Rico (US dependency).
>24. Romania.
>25. Venezuela.

Peter Smyth


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